@willie This was like an army of like 5 of those, randomly, in the middle of my morning - post-daily showering, gro..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Tr
My random long eyebrow hair game is really on point today.
@webjournalist @Tercius Neither Animal Crossing, nor Stardew Valley feel like a chore, but ymmv.
(And you’ve had s..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…gN
@utahpadre Didn’t know if I needed to start disassociating myself with you, getting all hoity-toity with your impor..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…FB
@the_churchnews @utahpadre Related?
My youngest: “No, I’m empty of boloney”
@cliftonlabrum I’ve got wood chips flyin’ off from me eating that trail mix so fast.
Welp, judging by the Nutrition Facts on this package, either 4 other people somehow ate this with me, ooorrr I’m th..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…v6
@PatrickRothfuss Hey. Thanks for being you.
(Random tweet, but I was just thinking about your books, and other wor..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…0e
@AppleNews @apwfrancis @bonappetit 31 dinner recipes is way too many to try in one week.
@MojangSupport (This is on 3 different accounts we have in our family)
@cottonbureau Any plans for the tri-blends to be in larger sizes? I sure miss being able to order those.
Pretty chuffed I fixed my printer. Thing was out of commission for 5 months. I learned a lot in the process, but still, that was brutal.
@MojangSupport I get an error (repeatedly) when trying to claim a copy of Minecraft for Windows 10. “Error! It look..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Uy
@joenobk Yep. But like most museums, it’s all in the wording.
“This was an ancient musical instrument”
“In the in..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Z5
I also have:
- Old hardware that I’m keeping for reasons that made sense at the time but seems to make less sense..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…xX
NelsonRussellM I invite you to join with me in a worldwide fast—for all whose health permits—to pray for relief from the physical,twitter.com/i/web/status/1…BJAB
Every day, I open my text editor, and just keep going on the same scratch pad. Over 16,000 words of non-commitment…twitter.com/i/web/status/1…WF
If you’re not watching these, you’re really missing out. twitter.com/johnkrasinski/…
@Benjiman31 @hankrsmith This is my personal fear.
Remember rewinding tapes? In case you were curious, if you have old tapes, and you play them, it still sucks to rewind them.
@codinghorror funny you mention that
@cncep @8cousinsbooks Name of the Wind: 10th Anniversary
@tapbot_paul Or how many of them also realize that it can be retroactive - meaning you can go back and sign up for..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Zh
@joenobk Just trying to find an explanation for a recent change.
Is “COVID-19” like “Freshman 15”? Asking for a friend.