For the record, I use my optical (DVD/CD) drive in my computer fairly frequently.

@willie Just in case my description lacked.
@willie My wife tells me we got it at Michael’s. It’s the 6-7 foot one. No clue on cost, since I think we got it on sale for $70-80.
@willie I have a pre-lit tree. Highly recommend it. No pains, no problems. Just hook together the lights pre-attached to each tree chunk.
Remembering 1 year ago today. Thankful to have lived, and have to have lived well.
.@linode has had a pretty crappy four days of hosting (3 restarts and 8 hours down if you’re in the Fremont center). Hope it improves.
@astronutapp pwned sector 16, but am am suffering the fleshy palm of sector 17
Golf caddy, pizza delivery driver, pool cleaner, hotel fixit guy, christmas tree tagger, fingerprinter, production line worker #jobsivehad
I made a T-SQL ASCII Text-Art Generator. Another useless bunch of code. Enjoy
Now that we’re done with The Beatles, can we get iOS 4.2 please?
Can we all agree to stop looking in each Stevenote for hints that The Beatles coming to the iTunes store now?
@khoi You and I are just waiting to see how they’ll try and sucker us Beatles box set owners into buying it yet again.
@cliftonite I like your cloud-based product prediction far better.
Had I not bought The Beatles box set last year, I’d be hopeful that this was *finally* their release on iTunes. Now? I don’t really care.
@danbenjamin Linode
@markweaver Very cool. Congratulations!
Just finished #TofM in the #WoT by @BrandonSandrson (and Robert Jordan). Great book. Looking forward to the next/final installment.
Flu shot
@Paulseys Just learned that Chrome does it for Twitter as well (potentially tied to any title changes in the tab)
Rejoicing with all other parents of non-DST-observing toddlers who just got suckered into going to bed early. The state of AZ is now jealous
Commiserating with all the parents complaining about non-DST-observing toddlers. The state of AZ is laughing at us all.
Still don’t know what the point of Minecraft is, despite having played it for several hours. I do know, however, I’m hooked.
cliftonlabrum I just learned that the creamy nougat in candy bars is unicorn bone marrow.
Neighbor turned on their Christmas lights two nights ago. Tiny BB Gun purchased. Commencing Operation: Wait Until After Thanksgiving
Pretty excited for all the election signs to be taken down.
Did my dootie #ivoted