@utahpadre @MrGroethe We’ll take whatever we can get to reclaim our confidence after our losing streak(s). This vis..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…fT
@Dodgers 379 feet, true distance, #PirelliLAD
@MenInBlazers I’ve never been this anxious for a commercial break to _begin_.
Pop. Good guy. twitter.com/SInow/status/9…
@Dodgers 379 feet, true distance, #PirelliLAD
@Dodgers 379 feet, true distance, #PirelliLAD a
In the movie Big, I wonder how long it took them to realize he wasn’t going back to that condo with the trampoline.
Head, Shoulders - 2
Knees, Toes - 4
Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Nose - 1
… Sure seems like the agent for Knees and Toes landed them an iconic gig.
@TrumpsTies “Royalty is fine, but we’re not okay with bums.”
@RealTimeWWII Did the policeman answer her question?
Only the freshest and most-relevant jokes here, folks.
“You know that rather unimpressive dish of ground beef, ketchup, veggies, spices, and bread? I’m going to name my music group after that.”
@Padres Thanks for the help!
//cc @utahpadre twitter.com/Dodgers/status…
@Mikel_Jollett @willie Crazy.
Unrelated: I’m so glad that reggaeton beat just keep thumping along…
@willie I saw that earlier, then I saw this as well: twitter.com/Trainyard/stat…

The apps I’m most reluctant to admit are a loss..pic.twitter.com/juRZiBYVCLCL
@FieldNotesBrand They sure look cool, yet again.
@Mathewh Sorcerer/Warlock
@darth Very important pupper. twitter.com/jjbadluck/stat…
@cliftonlabrum “But we have Google+!”
*barf sounds by everyone else*
Lycos Yahoo Jeeves Bing DuckDuckGo don’t at me I am serious
OH: “I did a Google search…”
Unless that conversation is about specific search engines, does it matter where/how you searched?
@darth i am a bit disappointed there is not a picture of Nessy wearing the ring cmon darth you know you can do this i believe in you
@chockenberry “selfie photographs”
@ThingsWork *grand piano
@Dodgers Can we make this happen? twitter.com/BleacherReport…
@johndilworth I can only imagine during this fire that it’s ultra important. 3rd party clients do this wonderfully,..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…Jz
@bruthafish @utahpadre But does @utahpadre’s wife finally know about the collection?