@utahpadre This was a perfectly normal series of tweets for sports.
@utahpadre I’m extremely partial to the Windsor. It’s balanced, full, and unties easily - a winner.
I think I firs..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…It
@tapbot_paul I think it’s a combination - the tie’s knot style (likely a “four-in-hand”) is lopsided by nature, whi..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…qv
@FortuneCookieBI Wait - that’s what it stands for?
Chicken Intelligence Agency?
(mind blown)
@FortuneCookieBI chicken
@chockenberry No, Craig. I’m not going to do it this time.
(“but is it the klingon version, or did he find a new one?”)

LEGO_Group The LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System! Now you’re playing with power…and bricks.
lego.build/NESReveal pic.twitter.com/ZGgBll0N4w
@iBaz66 @graceapp @Walmart If they can’t ship it to Ireland, I live in the US, and could help get it to you.
@FortuneCookieBI They’re fun to tinker with. I’ve got an Ender 3 Pro. That looks like an Ender 5? Sounds like you’v..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…IY
@FortuneCookieBI Personally partial to th3dstudio.com, but I’m open to more tips.
@cabel was this you? ;) twitter.com/eurogamer/stat…
@spencertransier @hankrsmith Yes
New computer.
First thing to install: @bbedit
@AsteriskTour July 28, 2020 when all Dodger pitchers get tossed for the longest consecutive HBP streak ever.
@Mathewh Thought of you..twitter.com/WorldAnvil/sta…gV
@stevealfandre E-12 to E-13: Though I only ever went to one of their games (to see the visiting Barry Sanders), I’d..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…IX
“Hey Mom, Dad - you have a stuck-together bed!”
- My Youngest
It’s a tough job, and I don’t like the two-party system we have, but he is SUCH an embarrassment on so many levels.
I feared he would be this bad, but the surrounding circumstances have made things even worse. twitter.com/davidmweissman…