Ronald has mad hops yfrog.com/h41cuiij
@waxpancake @shauninman My mistake. I see you there on the first page. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for it.
@waxpancake Any love for @shauninman’s Retro Game Crunch Kickstarter? l.lbs.im/15
@cameronmoll Skin stapling is great and all, but the Swingline 747 is great. Very sturdy, never has mis-stapled for me. l.lbs.im/14
@rands #insert_typo_joke_here
But seriously, that’s weird/bad/scary.
How about a fetid feta fête? Is that a thing?
“Feta” and “Fetid” sound similar. Coincidence?
@cliftonite Don’t kid yourself… it’ll cost you. They’ll collect, somehow.
@Blazeorange Not sure how much I’d want to brag about that one, Mayor. I mean, Mr. Mayor.
Happy let’s-try-to-relive-our-glory-days-by-acting-like-we-were-good-at-a-sport-but-we’ll-probably-just-get-hurt-because-we’re-old Day!
@stevealfandre Wrong. I’m judging you for even admitting it.
@therobfoster Especially because you can just walk in the exit (and buy hotdogs/pizza), and they don’t check you.
@timjcoulter Oh, you get emails from Adobe, too?
@thomasjordan @rands And maybe a avg-not-replies number as well. And avg daily retweets. And coefficient of nerdiness.
I’ll show myself out
@Mathewh OS X Terminal > yes “wub” | xargs say
Fine, I admit it. I can enjoy some dubstep. If that means we can’t be friends, I understand.
If I eat Top Ramen for lunch, but add Sriracha, can I still be called a foodie?
@jasonsantamaria Fortunately, it’s a simple function-Return to get the Enter on the wireless keyboard. It’s easily remembered/used.
Slinky® “Ruined in less than 5 minutes, or you’re an adult.”
If you have at least one tangled or bent Slinky in your home, please RT.
@lorenb I like cookies too.
Remember when you used to send emails as a way to communicate with someone personally?
Good times.
The rebel helmets in Return of the Jedi look like bottomed-out upside down dog bowls.
@stevenf Clearly not enough poorly faked self loathing.
@rands A completely silent pause, followed by an intake of breath.
@notch Check out Retro Game Crunch on KickStarter. Indie Devs, FTW: l.lbs.im/13
I swear, I’ve given @shauninman more money than any other complete stranger on twitter. And I’ve never been disappointed by his work.
shauninman Messrs. @rustym, @8bitmatt, and I want to make six games in six months. And we need your help! kickstarter.com/projects/shaun… #retrogamecrunch
@michaelianblack But a TV show, like “You’re Whole”, as a pun is okay. Got it.
“Snow” is a four-letter word.
It’s the lady with a flag in her hair that really wins.
@cabel Wordpress != Blogger.
Non-swing-state presidential voting seems pointless, but I did it anyway.
Now lets all stop talking about politics for a while.
@jasonlynes This reminds me that @cliftonite said I should contact you about some SQL-fu for @passionfruitads.
@amishrobot Pretty sure if you apply Skunk Anal Gland essential oil, they’ll stop talking to you about essential oils.