@rands From personal experience, I know those in Central America would never say they’re part of North America. Regardless, fascinating.
@mtrc Pages works just fine for those things. I feel InDesign is overkill until it _really_ matters. 2/2
@mtrc In my experience, it mattered more where you were publishing (Lulu, MagCloud, etc). They cared about margins, and page size. 1/2
I won a selfie stick at work. Still debating if I should claim my “prize” or not.
@RideUTA You’ve got a broken sprinkler spewing tons of water at the Roy Frontrunner Station, barely north of the giant shovel statue/thing.
Add more humor to your online conversations - interpret “smh” as “smell my hand”
Riding on my usual commuter train, but surrounded by high school students on a field trip. AMA
PSA: Just because you _can_ push a new version of your iOS app much more frequently now, it doesn’t mean you should.
@hthunsaker I agree.

gatesfoundation Don’t have a red nose? That’s ok! For every RT we’ll donate $10 toward ending child poverty. #RedNose4Kids pic.twitter.com/pFgi2CrSOx
@FieldNotesBrand How many editions do you feel it took for the team to really be firing on all cylinders?
@FieldNotesBrand Dare I ask - which edition had the lowest profit margin? (I won’t ask the highest)
@FieldNotesBrand And how about the worst reception?
@FieldNotesBrand Which edition (best) sold far better than you had anticipated?
@FieldNotesBrand Apart from the usual new editions, are you planning any new products?
@FieldNotesBrand Cubs or White Sox?
@FiveThirtyEight I love your content, but disdain the constant self-retweeting. LMK when you’re done, and I’ll happy re-follow you.
PSA: According to this warehouse implementation time definition I’m reviewing, three halves make a whole.
@FieldNotesBrand Yo, that kerning’s tight…er.
I’d like more consistent Home/End key acknowledgement in OS X.
@Dodgers I miss the bubble machine. If it will show up in the dugout, let me know where to ship one.
@shauninman Loss of personal space. Strange smells. Later, your stuff is inexplicably missing for a while. Also, you get “snacks”.
@PatrickRothfuss I just finished your books yet again. They’re still fantastic. Take all the time you need to finish the third the right way
@PatrickRothfuss I just finish your books yet again. They’re still fantastic. Take all the time you need you finish the third the right way.
@willie @DropboxSupport Oh, yeah - I see. Poor wording while trying to make an otherwise simple point.
@willie @DropboxSupport You should upload files through the folder/sync on your desktop as opposed to uploading files through the website.
@BadRealtyPhotos Paging @gruber and @Coudal…
Ima Naddict
Gno T’buk
I’d like a @FiveThirtyEight twitter feed that only posts links to their articles once, instead of a dozen+ times.
Those of you who aren’t EPL fans really missed out this year. Just incredible. Congrats @LCFC.