@Blazeorange Scary new avatar.
Five Guys Chaos & Fries
Strawberries and cream. Awesome.
Sure is quiet on here in the middle of the night.
Lots of business talking lately, not enough time for work.
The fact that we don’t operate like a team isn’t a complaint, it’s an observation.
@rands Glad you’re finally doing that. Maybe you can fix your sizing issues at the same time… maybe time for a full redesign?
Was reminded just how long Adobe CS3 takes to install. #WatchingPaintPeel
BeyondGlaze.com was just alright. They sell standard glazed donuts, with an obscene amount of frosting and condiments on top. Overpriced.
@danielpunkass You’ve got a lot of paying customers who have impacted your life… (though I wasn’t a 4.0 student)
House Hunting: less fun as each day passes.
OH: “I just ate a booger a few weeks ago.”
I was once turned down for a job as one of those guys waving/holding a sign by the side of a road.
Got some encouraging news today.
Cecilia: “Don’t forget, Daddy, it’s a beautiful day today!”
@lancearmstrong Not a fan of the hazelnut and chocolate combo…
Still enjoying LEGO’s
To coordinate or ordinate… that is the question.
@simplebits See 7 Pounds?
Sure, you miss an hour of sleep, but each digital clock requires 22 less steps to make the adjustment. Not too shabby.
I enthusiastically recommend Jack Johnson’s music. I probably should have used an exclamation point for that sentence.
I wish the haircut place would open earlier.
To go overboard or not to go overboard… that is the question.
Just received a letter postmarked December 6th. USPS FTL.
Remembering how much I enjoy making stupid movies.
Parenting isn’t necessarily easy. Or fun. Or pleasant. Or all that bad.
Finally chose all the photos for our family’s 2008 yearbook in iPhoto. #imalazyturd
@cliftonite Agreed. It’d be a hard sell to push it for the usual $100+.
Quiet work week, noisy home week.
What’s worse than Pepsi’s new logo? Multiple sick kids. Cold scrambled eggs too.
At some point semi-recently I passed 1M visitors to my site (granted, only 140K unique, but still). I love mint. http://www.haveamint.com
@thesneeze Only if you want to make him watch you burn it.