@strudefiles Very cool! Congratulations! When is she due (and do you know the gender)?
🦃, <pie emoji/>
@johndilworth But, hey! How about those 5 minutes, huh? That was all you. No one can take that away from you.
@strudefiles Honest to goodness, laughed out loud. Nicely done.
Bonus of the day: I just noticed there’s some toilet paper in one of my window wells.
@beep Another one to use wisely..twitter.com/jasonzada/stat…8W
@BrandSanderson It’ll become awesome. ;)
Does leg shortening surgery exist? Asking for a friend who just learned they’re too tall to be an astronaut.
@stevenf Given your general sentiment, does that mean “least bad”? Serious question.
@cliftonlabrum Yes. And Words of Radiance, and most of @BrandSanderson’s other books. They’re all favorites. Like grape/cherry snow cones.
Speaking of the clutch, its pedal pad wore off, leaving only metal - it’s really slippery with wet shoes. Don’t pop the clutch. #awesomecar
The foot rest next to the clutch broke off, so each time you rest your foot, an audible *clack* is heard. A great drum peddle. #awesomecar
Unrelated to my awesome car, I just finished The Wheel of Time, again. I started in June, but I fit in a few other books along the way.
The upholstery on the passenger door is bubbled and warped, thanks to cracked windows during summer… and the associated rain#awesomecarar
An old bumper sticker came off, but left a residue, so there’s permanent gunk in the sticker’s shape on the bumper. #awesomecar
The driver’s door hinge makes a really loud creaking sound when opened or closed. But only sometimes. #awesomecar
I’m pretty sure there’s a new hole somewhere in the exhaust line. It has an extra hum to it these days. #awesomecar
@willie I’ve had it since ’01 - roughly at 95k. It has near 210k at this point. Still runs rather well, despite these silly flaws.
@willie Yep. I can’t _really_ complain about it. It’s had a good run… despite the issues I’m articulating now.
@willie A ’90 Acura Integra. It’s in its final days, and I’m finally acknowledging all of its problems.
The heater makes a loud squeaking noise (like the fan needs to be oiled), but only for a few minutes… then the sound stops#awesomecarar
Given the frameless windows, and the bad seal between them and car, you always question if your windows are fully rolled up. #awesomecar
The shocks are shot. You can feel every bump in the road as you drive. It’s like free massages every time you drive. #awesomecar
The cover is missing for the place where the seatbelt retracts. It’s right by your pocket, and catches change. So, that’s nice. #awesomecar
The trunk doesn’t pop up. So, when you release the hatch, don’t jostle the car, or it’ll lock again. #awesomecar
Given that last tidbit, water once started dripping inside the car after a particularly heavy rain. Heads up. #awesomecar
There are also rust spots by the top corners of the windshield. They’re smaller. #awesomecar
The window tinting is bubbling and peeling all around the car. #awesomecar
The air conditioner compressor went out years ago. The cost of repair is higher than the value of the car. Summers are… hot#awesomecarar
Rear of the passenger-side door, there is an ever-growing rust spot (currently the size of a couple silver dollars). #awesomecar
The driver’s seat-back has a hole (about the size of a dollar bill) in the left edge. Seat covers are a must. #awesomecar
The motorized radio antenna makes loud popping sounds whenever it retracts. #awesomecar
3/4 of the hubcaps have gone missing. #awesomecar
The windows leak if you use a drive-through car wash. You’ll get sprayed. Even with the windows up. Fact. #awesomecar
@cliftonlabrum Probably another high-caliber automobile.
80% of the passenger-side exterior door handle broke off. #awesomecar
@cliftonlabrum If a eulogy were to publicly acknowledge all of the faults to which we’ve turned a blind eye, yes. It’s been a good run.
The cover over the center brake light broke off, so every time the brakes are used, a white light shines inside the car. #awesomecar
The brakes are no longer anti-lock. #awesomecar
The tape deck eats cassettes. #awesomecar
The replacement rear view mirror (glued to the windshield) broke off. #awesomecar
The inside rear view mirror broke off. #awesomecar
Cruise control doesn’t work. #awesomecar
Rear window defroster doesn’t turn on. #awesomecar
@beep That’s nothing a bit of Bluth-style diamond dust cream won’t handle.
Driver’s side door no longer opens from the inside. #awesomecar
@strudefiles For now, just called.
@cliftonlabrum If I don’t do this: twitter.com/longbored/stat…, then you do this. twitter.com/cliftonlabrum/…
I’m okay with vague.
@chockenberry I’m surprised you didn’t go CHOCK style with that, because that’s a pretty funny joke.
@paulmayne I hope you saw @shawnblanc’s write-up on @dayoneapp. thesweetsetup.com/whats-in-my-da…
gersberms. nert berd.
@simplebits You’ll love the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. It’s the best™ place!!!1!!ONE!!

@beep Maybe this, but with money… i.imgur.com/q3e87zR.gif
@beep Where’s a “wish I could pre-order that” animated .gif when I need one?
Fine. I admit it. I freaking _love_ @Spotify’s Discover Weekly. I look forward to it each week.
@beep I hope you saw this. Only use it for good. twitter.com/b_ru_ru/status…
@FiveThirtyEight Is it because Fletch didn’t know how to use a computer, and we’re waiting for a poorly-done, but plausible, remake?
I feel like I should respond with a ⭐️ now that they changed it.
jasonfried Can you give me a spec picture frame and then I’ll decide if I want to pay for it? youtube.com/watch?v=essNmN…
Ate some more whoppers. Still delicious. /cc @rands
@camposanto Unsurprised the LA and SF fans are at opposite ends of the photo.
Just saw somebody try to stream video over public transportation wifi. Good times.
@willie You’ve read/seen far more than I have. Either that, or I just don’t pay attention.
@willie Sure, you _can_ wait, but why bother? I’m more excited for this movie now than I was before. Still rather clueless about the chars.
@willie What’s your definition of spoil? You get plot hints, but no real clue on where it’s going. The title tells you more than the trailer
I watched The Trailer. Although I feel like I have some idea of the premise, I feel no more informed than before. #justwatchitwillie
I could probably get close if everybody had mechanical keyboards for their computers.
I wonder what a present-day workplace would sound like with electronic typewriters instead of computers.
When you say “Worst candy ever: Whoppers”, I hear “I don’t know how to eat Whoppers.” /cc @rands
@willie … ?
FYI, Jacob 4:4 starts with “For, for”