@CurveDigital I spent too much time hunting codes. “Wait. If I’m enjoying the marketing this much, I bet the game is fantastic.” Purchased
I’m rather picky about artists covering The Beatles.
@AJEllis17 You’ll always have a place in LA. You’ll be missed. Thanks for all you’ve done, and good luck!
@Dodgers A.J., you’ll be missed. You’ll always be a Dodger. Good luck!

@willie ICYMI pic.twitter.com/uyhz2bnguH
@dubsmith919 Yes. As punishment/reward, you won’t be invited to take your picture hoisting it.
Idea: Paint a giant triforce on a wall, with stairs leading up to it, so people of various height can take pictures ‘holding the triforce’.
@WebEx Feature request on OS X: have a preference to automatically enable “Do Not Disturb” (on the system) when presenting/sharing.
@SpotifyCares It’d be great if there were a way to flag non-explicit-flagged songs as explicit.
@Dinnerbone “Upen”

I left it there. If you want it, go here. pic.twitter.com/IGBuOCQFh2
@willie Agreed. The “remove duplicates” is a nice recent addition, and the old pivot-the-data routine is… tired.
Found a hubcap. It’ll be right here. Let me know if you want it. I’ll be right by it for a few more minutes.

Ulysses S. Grant, speaking of Gawker… probably. (With extra emphasis on the latter part.pic.twitter.com/O3hS86NztUtU
@Adrian_ElTitan Awesome game today! Well done. Keep it up.
@danthat What’s the point of the players in a football match?
@utahpadre Matt Kemp?
@Dodgers 439′ True Distance #TMGSTrivia
@Phillies Classy. Seriously. Well done.
My 5 year-old, describing his “amazing house”: “And I’m going to have a CHICKEN MACHINE!”
@willie No Mans Buy?
For any other Utah-based HVAC DIY-types, allow me to recommend @allredsinc. Helpful, friendly staff, and good prices. Great experience.
@simoncholland No, because then I’d feel like I should delete mine… twitter.com/longbored/stat…
Okay, now for real. I’m done. We now return you to your regularly scheduled (1-a-day?) tweeting.

When you go to put on your favorite @cottonbureau shirt, and realize it’s dirty. pic.twitter.com/xTxoFYOr7E

When you a random person you follow spams your feed with stuff you’d rather not read. (I’m done.) pic.twitter.com/PeOmZm0eoO

When that really good @pluralsight course you were watching ends. pic.twitter.com/U52gOprnR6

When you underdressed, and only have a parka to cover you up. pic.twitter.com/vLtqSLX8PF

When you realize the coupon expired, just as you were going to use it. pic.twitter.com/azYtS2n0cM

When your new password doesn’t fit the non-two-factor-authentication-website’s password guidelines. pic.twitter.com/ce0NpYv5dM

When you get woken up 45 minutes before you know your alarm is going to go off, and you can’t go back to sleep. pic.twitter.com/dddRfc5qzD

When you try to press Esc, but you press F1 instead (and, of course, the help viewer is taking _forever_ to launch). pic.twitter.com/jowXpWlNyT

When your Prime delivery stretches to a third day. (#firstworldproblems) pic.twitter.com/xtkZcAJlpm

When you forgot it’s Taco Tuesday, and you packed a lunch. pic.twitter.com/y85W2F4752

When you realize you left your @FieldNotesBrand notebook in your other pants (or suit). pic.twitter.com/ibuKBTcuM1

When your question gets flagged as a duplicate on Stack Overflow, but your question is different. pic.twitter.com/9mlqvAu6J2

When you realize it’s a 1-based index, instead of a 0-based index. pic.twitter.com/LmxXYaYgET

When there’s no wifi, and you didn’t save the playlist for offline listening. /cc @Spotify pic.twitter.com/f49GJ5IaWP

When you run the test again, but forgot to save the code. pic.twitter.com/Us76hKygnW

When the key is Alt instead of Command. pic.twitter.com/9Xi1aqrqNg

When they release new phones, but you just upgraded. pic.twitter.com/IuQqEbqsdK
@paulmayne Nice to meet you today. Really, I love @dayone, and was glad to get a chance to tell you in person.
@stop Imagine the cramping she experienced mid-song… 😉
Maybe they meant to ask, “Who lets the dog out?” … I know the answer to that. It’s me. I repeatedly let the dog out. She’s gotta pee.
@derfnap “Orange you sad I forgot your birthday?” (… I have no clue, especially because English doesn’t have masculine/feminine words.)
“Overly cautious entry”. Good enough for my German skills.
What’s the German word for when you type extra slow because it’s your third password attempt and you don’t want to lock yourself out?
@georgemadestuff Any word on this giveaway, or have you had second thoughts? ;)
@bbedit Any chance of supporting VirtualEnv when editing Python projects?
@dubsmith919 I can’t help but to have lost a bit of respect for you, but I’m glad you changed.
@dubsmith919 The mystery will make it more fun.
It’s 95°F and you’re wearing jeans and a sweatshirt? You overdressed.
Also angrily and loudly talking to yourself? We’re good. Forget it.
@gruber A great chance to tour one of these, and it’s right in your neighborhood: twitter.com/MormonNewsroom…