The two oldest each brought back 9 pounds of candy. Slackers. Sent them back out in different costumes.
@chockenberry Actually…
siri what is like headphones except a muzzle for people talking about stupid things at work question mark
I just looked at the second page of Google search results.
@therobfoster If they didn’t speed up the video to match the song’s speed, I’d be completely on board. Still pretty crazy.
@therobfoster If it isn’t CGI, it still feels like less coordination than some of their other videos.
@hthunsaker Nope.
TIL, anything is possible, including people somehow not knowing about
@agnesheyer Maybe add some moss on rock(s)/trunks, random twigs, dead leaves on ground, mushrooms. Really, it looks good as-is.
@rands I just used a Google Form the other day. Simple, solid, cheap/free.
@rands The chainsaw one spoke deep into your soul. Let’s be honest.
@MenInBlazers The raven should be carrying tiny sickles.
@RideUTA Glad to help, but please don’t require me to wear a saucepan on my head while doing so. ;)
Lately I feel like the Johnny Appleseed of finding things left behind on @RideUTA FrontRunner.
@FieldNotesBrand What would it take to get a suggested (appropriately-themed) “practical application” put into a future edition?
@therobfoster Touché.
@therobfoster Con trail, not jet stream. Still cool.
@willie Let’s not forget iocane powder. Great. Two more items added to my “Things I Need to Build Up an Immunity To” list.
Emerging from their depressing cave of summer, the first Uggs of the season have been spotted, roaming free, signaling the end of humanity.
@pixelworkers I love the 2 area. 1 is good too. 0 isn’t bad either. And all sub-zero is questionable. ;P
A @comcast phone rep today tried to convince me their website was a third-party website, which is why it didn’t have all of their deals.
@willie Glad to do it. I love the scouting program. And it helps that Jake is a good kid. You’re alright too, I guess. ;)
@willie What’s this year’s link?
GoPro video in #LDSConf. Now I’ve seen it all.
I love that people are giving their talks in their native language. How cool. #LDSConf