The original photos are shocking. The perceived administrative complacency is as well. I lived in El Salvador,…H6
@jessicahische You’ve got this. I hope things go well today… and for the next few months as well.
@joenobk I’m aware that most Presidents are far dirtier/shadier than they tend to publicly display. That’s both…Kw
@darth Time to make another visit…
I’m repeatedly embarrassed by Trump and his administration. He’s our President, but he’s not meeting my hopes/…B0
@jessicahische If you somehow know their carrier, you can _email_ a text message to their number.…
Steven Gerrard…
Napoleon Dynamite…
@willie Fashion Place, ftw
@w_benson Too many people don’t know how to actually enjoy a honeydew - sliced in large wedges, served with…zw
I keep typing “adhoce” instead of “adhoc”. DMs are open if you want me to type for you.
@darth I drove past this freeway exit yesterday, and thought of
Tonight I sat next to a couple at a @Dodgers game, who were fresh off a 13 hour flight from Brisbane, Australia.…UC
@rands Recently went on a trip. Realized I only packed @cottonbureau shirts. Great trip.
@StrongBadActual There’s still time to cash in. I’d buy some.
@jessicahische Pat(eador)
@johndilworth @cliftonlabrum @garnerkory Oh man. I use it for stock price checks throughout the day. Triple…bQ