@Blazeorange Bad news, though we acquired a couple other guys. Torres was a good player, but now he plays for the devil.
Watched the sun set. Nature can be cool sometimes.
@rands News (google reader, cnn, instapaper), email, bookmarklets
Scrolling over the volume area of an iTunes mini-player will make the volume go up/down. Hm.
After 2 straight hours of sitting on a metal folding chair, all I can remember is the part where they said “amen.”
Threw a raisin at my wife today and it got stuck behind her glasses. That’ll teach her.
Anybody else having experiencing funky behavior on an iPhone with smart playlists (specifically with 0 play-count, and it skipping songs)?
Brain approaching melting point. Recovery ping-pong game imminent. #Ihatetypos
willie Please vote for the Little Rock Express so my 4 year old can ride the 844! http://bit.ly/e2sogX Thanks! (This soon will be over.)
Totally loving Cake’s new album Showroom of Compassion - l.lbs.im/u
majornelson That didn’t take long http://www.verizonwirele…
@taddgiles @cliftonite @cameronmoll I use an Airport Extreme with an attached HD to do Super Duper! backups (not TC). No complaints at all.
@cliftonite Looks like you left Tuscon just in time. Whoa.
Practically Perfectly Palindromic Odometers http://flic.kr/p/98vcKH
Finally watched Inception. Loved it.
It’d be nice to buy Excel from the Mac App Store. I wonder if/when Microsoft will make the jump.
OH: “I can do the Truffle Shuffle if I want to.”
@jen2000hnl It’s not perfect, and could probably use some sanding in a couple spots… but it’s not bad for the $4 price tag.
@cliftonite Technically $4, since I paid for shipping.
Just got my 1ยข @defaultcase (for my iPhone 4) in the mail. Initial review: pretty freakin’ slick.
Glad to see the easter egg for Mimeo made it into Horror Vacui 2 for Mac. /cc @shauninman
Very interesting that they’re selling iWork piecemeal on the MAS. If only it were a new version.
@therobfoster Tape decks are a close second.
I admit it. Even though it isn’t technically redundant, I despise “PDF File” and think people should just say “PDF”.
Pretty grossed out by my wife. She hasn’t showered yet this year.