me for each time I downloaded it, and given me a 2 song credit for every time I downloaded it. Um… bug?
I bought an album on iTunes last week. I iClouded it to multiple devices. Apple claims they overcharged me by $2. They’ve emailed… (cont.)
@willie I could never talk my wife into seeing X-Men. Well… she might stomach it on Netflix instant, and sleep through it.
Super 8 was awesome.
@willie Ep IV is fairly mild, and has surprisingly clean language. They needed to be reminded a couple times that it was all just pretend.
@willie 4 and 6. The 4 year old loved it. They were most impressed by “that old guy’s” light saber skills, but mad that “Dark Vader” won.
@willie “That Dark Vader guy was scary. He KILLED somebody. They were real people, but they were just pretending and wearing costumes.”
@willie Anything else would be a sin.
Yesterday I let my kids watch Star Wars for the first time. Somehow I feel like I’ve just become a real father.